1 Hour Workshop: Clearing Your Obstacles With Ganesha Mantra


Can't find your romantic partner? Stuck in a job going nowhere? Are you in a health rut?
Connecting with vibrations of Ganesha may be the way out. 

Ganesha clears the obstacles that keep us from moving forward. Learn how to unlock the power of Ganesha through this immersive mantra experience and harness the powerful vibrations for success through a  5 minute daily practice. 


Join Joshua and listen to the healing sounds of Ganesha in a relaxing sound bath. You will be learning the stories of Ganesha to better connect to his energy. You will also learn Ganesha's mantras so that you can unlock your life. We will chant together and create a vortex of vibrations to propel you forward in all areas of your life.

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