Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage: An emersion into the sense of relaxation, revitalization, and relief.

A personally tailored aromatherapy massage is a customized massage experience that combines the therapeutic benefits of massage with the use of essential oils chosen specifically for your preferences and needs. The carefully chosen essential oils contribute to the emotional aspect of the massage, promoting relaxation, stress relief, and a sense of well-being. The massage itself helps address muscular tension, improve circulation, and promote overall physical relaxation and comfort. Aromatherapy massage lifts your spirits, relaxes your mind, and revitalizes your body, like no other treatment.

Aromatherapy massage What to expect…

Before the massage, a brief consultation is conducted to assess your health status, any specific concerns or conditions, and preferences for the massage. Then your scent preferences are taken into account along with your needs and goals. The essential oils are then chosen and your custom blend is made for it’s therapeutic properties and the desired emotional or physical effects. These essential oils are then put into the cold air diffuser and also blended into your massage oil. You can also add essential oils to any session to enhance your healing experience. When added to an Ayurvedic Lymphatic Massage your body will detox more efficiently and thoroughly, while easing the fatigue that can be released after the massage. When used with varma or Nada Healing sessions you will dive much deeper into the experience.

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